Shop Shoot Train at Frontier Firearms


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dad Used To Say , "Make each shot count".

 Nothing's changed today.
It's still important to make every shot count... 
Perhaps even more so now that the stakes are so high.

So you've decided to do a bit of shooting to hone your self-defense skills and you've dropped a wad of cash on ammo.... what's next?

Do you spend your time and ammo blasting at dumb targets that can't move, don't require thought to hit, and do nothing to sharpen your reflexes much less your decision making skill?  

And if you do, what's training like that worth?

According to the man running two of the areas traditional static-target ranges, training like that is worth anywhere from $Zero to $1.00 - at least that's what they charge.

Makes you wonder though, if the owner thinks it's nearly worthless to train and shoot at his ranges, something must be lacking.  And do you really want to waste your time and expensive ammo there?

Kinda goes against what Dad taught, doesn't it?

That's option one.  

Option two: Visit Frontier Firearms and train on our modern ATS - Active Target Shooting System  against smart targets like those used by the FBI at their facility in Virgina.

At Frontier you shoot against moving targets that force you to make "shoot / don't shoot" decisions and test your reflexes and skill against targets that appear for a second and then turn away.

In other words, when training at Frontier Firearms every minute and every round counts!

Shoot at Frontier Firearms.  It's what Dad would want....

Another Reason to Shop! Shoot! and Train!
at Frontier Firearms
The only range in Tennessee fully equipped with 
the ATS - Active Target Shooting System!
~ Costs More But Worth It ~

And remember our commitment to the shooting public is to ALWAYS have highly trained and nationally certified Range Safety Officers and Pistol Instructors on duty to help you. They can give you pointers, help diagnose bad habits, and suggest proper corrective action.  

Yet Another Reason to Shop! Shoot! and Train!
at Frontier Firearms