Shop Shoot Train at Frontier Firearms


Friday, October 21, 2011

Winds of Obsolescence Bodes Well for Shooters

 Somehow not the same!

Realizing that their ranges just don't measure up, other ranges are giving away range time in hopes of duping people into buying a membership to their obsolete, antiquated worn out target systems.

Unfortunately for other ranges the winds of change of have left them in the dust.  

No professional firearms instructor advocates banging away at static targets over training proactively against moving targets. 

In fact, when it comes to real world training a day of shooting on an old worn out range is worth exactly what they are charging for it  - NOTHING! or $1.00!

So it's no surprise that more and more shooters are flocking in record numbers to our store to sign up to shoot on our ATS - Active Target Shooting System. 

After all who wants to shoot on a 30 or 40 year old string system when they can shoot in a bright, clean, modern, well ventilated range that doesn't have toxic buildups of lead?

At Frontier we know shooters are not fools.  We understand they know the difference between throwing lead down range at stationary targets and training against moving targets and targets that are only exposed for a second or two.  That's why we spent so much money in order to offer the public what formally was only available to elite law enforcement agencies and secret government alphabet groups.

Now at Frontier anyone can train on the most modern, reliable live-fire target system available.