Shop Shoot Train at Frontier Firearms


Monday, September 17, 2012

Internet Guns and Accessory Sales - GunMall.Biz

A local gun shop posted this today:  

"Don't trust a picture on the internet - see your guns, gear and holsters in person before you buy! Customers appreciate our varied and deep selection of firearms, that you really must put your hands on, to be sure it's right for you. Is the grip width, length, and overall size and weight right for what you had in mind?"

We can't figure out if they are joking or are just that far behind the curve....

According to on-line researchers Forrester Research Inc. consumers will spend a whopping $226 billion this year  -- up 12% from the $202 billion spent on online ordering in 2011.  Evidently someone out there "trusts" what they see at internet shopping malls like    GunMall.Biz   

The bigger problem we saw with the post quoted above is that the gun shop making this boast "Customers appreciate our varied and deep selection of firearms..." is notorious for having very few firearms in stock.

Friday, September 14, 2012

GunMall.Biz is keeping me too busy!

Our newest venture is keeping me too busy. 

Imagine setting up an on-line store in less than three weeks and you can see where I have been.

It won't be long now before we are up and running.  Users will be able to browse through thousands of guns, gun accessories, knives, ammo and just about anything else gun related.

Prices? We trying to shave and whittle ever penny we can off every price.  We believe when it's all said and done our pricing will match or beat any other online outfit.

We plan to set up computers in our Kingston store so customers can sit down and order items we don't stock or have on hand in the shop.

 Well, I've gotta go.  Work is calling....
