Shop Shoot Train at Frontier Firearms


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

There Just Had to Be a Better Way....

A while back we took handgun courses at a couple of the area ranges....

Each time we left thinking there has to be be a better way - people deserved more.

We just couldn't get it out of our mind that if people were willing to pay good money for firearms courses in cramped, dingy, dirty facilities, how much better they'd like it to get top notch instruction in a five star range.

It was this experience at other ranges that convinced us superior training in a great facility at fair prices would be a huge hit.

Thus, we built Frontier Firearms Training Academy - the only indoor range in East Tennessee built from the ground up to accommodate firearms training.

So far we have been right.

In fact, our firearms courses, our range, and our prices are so popular that we have had to keep adding new classes.  We were the first to offer mid-week evening classes and then weekday morning and now Sunday classes.  On some days we must run two classes just to keep up with demand.

The great thing about success is that it makes everything easier and better.

Success allows us to do training right.  In other words, success breeds success.  As a result we don't have to cut corners or sacrifice quality.

Unlike other outfits we don't contract our instruction out to the lowest bidder. Instead we have in-house instructors -- the very best around.

In fact, our success is your guarantee that your time and money couldn't be better spent than at Frontier.

Besides offering the newest and nicest classroom facilities and range, at Frontier we maintain a five to one student ratio on the range and in the classroom we team teach so there are always several instructors.

With two or more instructors available for each class, our students are assured they will get the personal attention they need.

In addition, every employee at Frontier Firearms is both a NRA Certified Firearms Instructor AND NRA Certified Range Safety Officer.  So no matter who you talk to they are qualified to assist you and answer your questions.
Frontier Firearms Training Academy
~ Training the Better Way ~
the way it should have been all along.