Shop Shoot Train at Frontier Firearms


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

New Business Began After Gun Shop Offers Christians a Discount

"I am Christian and I Carry"

On October 1, 2015 Within hours of the tragic massacre on the campus of Umpqua Community College in Oregon where Christians were targeted, President Barrack Obama appear in a televised speech announcing he would be politicizing these horrific, execution style murders. In the speech the President renewed his call for the passage of more gun laws, but Obama made no mention that Christians had been executed for their faith. 

Brant Williams the owner of Frontier Firearms was deeply affected both by the shooting and the President's speech.  Williams states that, "the next day I could not stop think about the shooting. I kept thinking 'enough is enough'. America is turning its back on Christians. 

The gun store and shooting range owner went on to say, "Christianity can't be mentioned in any government functions and is banned from our schools and places of employment. Even at Christmas for fear of offending, many businesses no longer mention Jesus Christ. I have even read about folk protesting because they didn't want the baby Jesus in a Christmas play!" 

Williams says this is when he read that Tennessee Lt Governor Ron Ramsay had bravely taken a stand against the slaughter of unarmed people and Christians. In a Facebook post Ramsey wrote:
"While this is not the time for widespread panic, it is a time to prepare.... I would encourage my fellow Christians who are serious about their faith to think about getting a handgun carry permit. I have always believed that it is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it....Our enemies are armed. We must do likewise." The Tennessean
"I thought, Lt. Gov. Ramsey is right!' says Williams.  Indeed, "Christians should be prepared by carrying a handgun."

As the owner of Frontier Firearms, Williams decided he should act.  "I could help. This is when I decided to offer a discount to Christians."

When asked why he wanted to give Christians a discount, Williams said he had three goals.  "To let Christians know that despite the growing opposition and hostility to Christianity around in the USA and around the world in my store they are respected and welcome, to help Christians obtain a firearm, and to give Christians an opportunity to openly profess their faith and receive a small reward rather than a bullet in the head."

This is the ad Williams posted on Facebook.

Shortly after posting the ad a local television station, WVLT Channel 8 in Knoxville,TN ran a story on the discount. Within 24 hours the story had gone national.

See the story here: Local 8 WVLT TV Gun store offering discount for Christians

That's when according to Williams "the storm began and our Facebook page blew up."  Williams says that while supportive was strong, many people were upset.  "Even after I assured them no one would be denied a discount during the sale, some folks were threatening lawsuits for discrimination."  

Williams reports that he engaged those who were objecting and discovered they fell into the following groups: 
  1. Liberals and progressive who hate firearms
  2. Liberals, progressives and atheists who seem to hate Christianity if not Christians
  3. Atheists who love guns but hate Christianity.
  4. Christians who hate guns.
  5. Christians who do not hate guns but misunderstand scripture (especially Matthew 5:9 "turn the other cheek" and / or the commandment "thou shall not kill (murder) Exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:17)
However despite those who "threatened lawsuits in a obvious attempt to use the brute force of the government to silence him," Williams was receiving calls from folk all around the country who were supportive and said more Christians should stand up and be heard.

"That's when I had the idea for a tasteful pin Christians could wear that told other Christians were they stood."

Williams states that he designed the pin to allow Christians to "announce their faith and their commitment to self-defense".

A picture of the new "I am Christian and I Carry" pin is below.

The I am Christian and I carry pins may be purchased at

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