Keep Guns Out of the Wrong Hands
Brant Williams
October 22 2015
October 22 2015
Kingston, Tennessee
An Unfortunate Incident
This evening (10/22/15) we had an unfortunate incident wherein we had to cancel a gun sale when the wife of a man in the process of completing a the purchase gave us reason to believe she had no business owning a firearm or being in the same house with one.
Indeed even after passing his criminal background check, we refused to complete the sale of the pistol to the man because his wife flew into a rage when we would not agree that "in a perfect world only law enforcement and the government should be allowed to have firearms."
After listening to her speak our store manager suspected she might be unstable. So, he called me over to help evaluate her. As we spoke about her anti-2nd Amendment views, she grew more and more agitated. Before long she was yelling and cursing.
Canceled the Sale
At this point as a Federally Licensed Firearms Dealer, we had no choice but to refuse to process the sale of the firearm to her husband. We simply cannot and will not put others in harm's way by setting someone up with access to a firearm who appears unstable.
Naturally under the circumstances we asked that she not to return to our store. This is not the first time we have had to cancel a gun sale and invite someone to leave the store and it won't be the last.
Gun Dealers Do the Right Thing
So when you hear others say that firearms dealers will "sell guns to anyone," set them straight by showing them this post.
Frontier Firearms will not and does not sell firearms to people who are appear imbalanced and / or who may be a potential danger to themselves and / or others.
Brant Williams is the owner and founded of Frontier Firearms can may be reached at 865-376-0793 or or
Brant Williams is the owner and founded of Frontier Firearms can may be reached at 865-376-0793 or or
Frontier Firearms was recently in the news after the tragic shootings the Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, OR for offering Christians a five percent discount.