Shop Shoot Train at Frontier Firearms


Friday, August 7, 2015

Guns Not Welcome Here

If you see either one of these two signs on a building, business, or premises in Tennessee, gun owners are not welcomed.  

39-17-1359             Possession On Posted Property and Certain Meetings
(b) (1) Notice of the prohibition permitted by subsection (a) shall be accomplished by displaying one (1) or both of the notices described in subdivision (b)(3) in prominent locations, including all entrances primarily used by persons entering the property, building, or portion of the property or building where weapon possession is prohibited. Either form of notice used shall be of a size that is plainly visible to the average person entering the building, property, or portion of the building or property, posted.
(2) The notice required by this section shall be in English, but a duplicate notice may also be posted in any language used by patrons, customers or persons who frequent the place where weapon possession is prohibited.
(3) (A) If a sign is used as the method of posting, it shall contain language substantially similar to the following:  AS AUTHORIZED BY T.C.A. § 39-17-1359, POSSESSION OF A WEAPON ON POSTED PROPERTY OR IN A POSTED BUILDING IS PROHIBITED AND IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE.
(C) A building, property or a portion of a building or property, shall be considered properly posted in accordance with this section if one (1) or both of the following is displayed in prominent locations, including all entrances primarily used by persons entering the property, building, or portion of the property or building where weapon possession is prohibited:
(i) The international circle and slash symbolizing the prohibition of the item within the circle; or
(ii) The posting sign described in this subdivision (b)(3)