Shop Shoot Train at Frontier Firearms


Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Note of Thanks to Trevor for Reminding Me of God's Blessings

Dear Trevor,

Even though you removed the post in which you attempted to impugn my honesty, math skills, reading ability, and knowledge of my personal history, I still want to thank you for posting select parts of my resume....

Reading bits and pieces about my own past caused me to pause a moment and give thanks to God for the blessings He has bestowed upon me.  Without doubt God has blessed me with a rich and wonderful life, full of incredible people and interesting experiences. He has allowed me to travel and live in some great places.

I must admit that sometimes I lose sight of the all the good things God's  has seen fit to allow me. Sometimes instead of giving thanks, I focus on problems and things that are unimportant.

So while I am sure that your motive was the opposite your post served to remind me that in my life I have already experienced more than many. You reminded me that if I died today I would die happy, with no regrets that I wasted my time on Earth.

The post that you removed also reminded me how old I am getting.... making me realize I am much too old for all of this recent nonsense.  So here's an idea instead of you making up tales about how wonderful the Outpost is and instead of your boss waging some sort of vendetta against Frontier, why don't you talk him into buying Frontier.  Like I said, I'm old and need a break.

Then if he'd let you, you could run Frontier or whatever the name would be and you could show us if you have the stuff to run a viable business with actual customers.  You've never had a chance to do that on your own without someone to correct your mistakes and tell you what to do, how and when to to do it.  And CCA really would have the best indoor range around.  So it'd be a win-win!

Again thanks, Trevor.

Brant Williams
Frontier Firearms